Legal box PC 141-160
Contains 20 Results:
Cleveland School Parent Teacher Association Minutes
The Cleveland School Parent Teacher Association Records contain miscellaneous correspondence, PTA minutes and by-laws.
Thomas P. and Pauline Johnson Mills Papers
The Thomas P. and Pauline Johnson Mills Papers contain handwritten documents/letters, Mrs. Mills’ Last Will and Testament, and newspaper clippings.
Thomas J., Sr., and Rena Bingham Lassiter Papers
First Baptist Church of Smithfield Collection
The First Baptist Church of Smithfield Collection contains booklets, pamphlets, tracts, contracts, agreements, membership rolls, financial and insurance records, newsletters, and photographs.
Elizabeth Joyner Paper
The Elizabeth Joyner Paper contains two copies of a handwritten letter dated December 10, 1864, from her son, John J. Joyner, who was imprisoned in the Prisoner’s Camp, Elmira, NY.
Joseph Dupree Letter
The Joseph Dupree Letter contains a handwritten letter to David Dupree from Joseph Dupree, dated June 5, 1864.
Louise Blackman Johnston Records
The Louise Blackman Johnston Records contains an annual dated 1935 and entitled, The Battlefield from State Teachers College, Fredericksburg, VA.
George S. Wilson Papers
The George S. Wilson Papers contain copies of family photographs, handwritten correspondence, and several pages from George S. Wilson’s account book.
Johnston County Clerk of Court Records
The Johnston County Clerk of Court Records contain copies of pages from a receipt book noting payment of court fees.
Leland Aycock Papers
The Leland Aycock Papers contain a copy of a handwritten letter written around 1916 by Mrs. C. C. (Addie) Aycock to her son, Leland Aycock, who was a student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.