Democratic Women of Johnston County
Mrs. Rebecca Fulghum Kirby, regional coordinator for Women’s Activities met with interested local women to organize the Democratic Women of Johnston County.
On August 18, 1961, thirty-five Democratic women became organized with Mrs. Roy C. Coates as the first president. Other officers were: Mrs. Lucille Oliver, first vice present; Mrs. Macy Hoyle, second vice president and publicity and membership chairman; Mrs. Robert Winston, recording secretary; Miss Frances Stephenson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Victor Penny, treasurer; Mrs. Ronald Hocutt, chaplain, and Mrs. Hubert Grizzard, Jr., legislative chairman.
The group’s objectives were for women to learn the mechanics of county government and to be better informed.
Found in 1 Collection or Record:
Democratic Women of Johnston County Collection
The Democratic Women of Johnston County Collection contains a newspaper clipping, program for a drama entitled, “Framers and Founders of Freedom,” and a signed Bicentennial document.